Making Room for Big Changes Requires Making More Room for YourSELF with Nic Frick


Sure, you can keep working a job that makes you cry on your commute every day, but there's a whole world of possibilities waiting for you on the other side of the obvious choices.

Nic Frick wants to help you transform your career (and life) into exactly what you want it to be.  Do you even know what you want?  Well, she can help with that too!

Nic knows what it's like to feel stuck in a job (or a whole career) that leaves you feeling blandly underwhelmed OR frantically overwhelmed - and she's here to tell you that the solution is the same for both: make it a priority to get to know your deepest self.

Your needs and your desires can cohabitate beautifully if you're willing to stop trying to do it all.  Knock that off!  And listen to this episode for an alternate approach from our patriarchal conditioning.


Presence Over Perfect // You Choose You Now Podcast


Boundaries with Nic Frick // Wild Hearts at Work Podcast